Cedar Mill® Firearms


Cedar Mill Firearms was founded in 2014 when they sought out affordable options for gun cases. Their founders begin native Montanans, they were use to taking their guns with them. In Montana firearms are considered tools. Keeping them safe is the ultimate goal. And since the days of leaving a rifle in the back window in an unlocked pickup truck are gone, responsible firearms possession involves the need for discreet cases that can be locked and won’t draw unwanted attention.
At Cedar Mill Fine Firearms, has realized that there is a need for affordable quality cases that are feature packed but won’t break the bank. You’re already invested into your firearm collection so why stop there?


Features like stainless steel hardware and decompression valves are things found on much more expensive brand-named cases. They searched for manufacturers willing to produce Cedar Mill’s Fine Firearm cases. Their determination has resulted in protecting firearms around the world.

They did their homework for us!

Check them out..

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